Technical Capabilities


Spectral Purification

Microwave Products Group RF and microwave filters are designed to operate on signals in the 100’s of kilohertz to 90GHz frequency ranges. Most RF and microwave systems will include some kind of filtering on the signals transmitted or received and such filters are commonly used as building blocks for multiplexers to combine or separate multiple frequency bands. RF & Microwave spectrum management is often overlooked in the need to deploy the latest radar or wireless communications technology. Regulatory licensing requirements or the mitigation of co-site interference, and external interference can often render even the most sophisticated communications or sensing system inoperable.  MPG Custom microwave filter solutions can mitigate interference and provide spectral purification for any given system. 


Interference Mitigation

In 1994 MPG branched into the Integrated Cosite Equipment (ICE) business with the development of both an airborne and shipboard filter/amplifier cascade product. ICE integrates elements of our tunable filters to achieve enhanced performance beyond that achievable with our basic products. Both of these ICE units are still in production. Additionally, MPG has significantly expanded the breadth of ICE products, providing our customers the ability to select optimal cost-effective solutions for their interference mitigation needs. Many of our products are purchased as Commercial Item solutions, while other customers require modification to the existing products to meet their needs. In both cases, MPG provides low risk, cost-effective solutions. Our products can be found in the harshest RF environments on C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) platforms and in less demanding applications in tactical radios.

Today, MPG is delivering hardware to customers around the world for a variety of applications. Our equipment is flying on airborne command posts and jet fighters for the military, and is fielded in both ground fixed and ground mobile systems. The same hardware is being used in commercial applications from radio telescopes to wireless office communications, and from industrial inspection equipment to MRI machines. Applications for our filters range from stand-alone units in a test environment to units embedded in the design of high performance communication equipment.


Spectrum Monitoring

Supports simultaneous monitoring, analysis, and recording of wideband RF data streams for extended periods of time. MPG’s systems and applications operate on a single software code base that differs across hardware platforms only by the software configuration. When configured with a GPS-disciplined time and frequency references and networked together, teamSENTINEL sensors operate as a mesh of coherent RF sensors to support advanced RF capabilities including Theater Network-Centric Geolocation (TNG), Angle of Arrival Direction Finding (AoA DF) and Spatial Diversity signal selection (teamVIEW as well as Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO or N-Channel) signal processing).