Interference Mitigation Equipment

MPG Interference Mitigation Equipment devices significantly improve range and reduce interference where receiver desensitization is a challenge. 


MPG is the premier provider of solutions for communications challenges arising from RF interference. Our products enable military platforms to simultaneously operate multiple radios on the same platform without degradation in performance, range or compromises in CON-OPS. Our Integrated Cosite Equipment (ICE) line of products are incorporated between your radios and antennas to enable simultaneous operation of all your communications, radar, SIGINT/COMINT and other RF systems.

ICE systems are designed to MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-461, interfacing directly with each transceiver to support modern single channel SATCOM and fast frequency hopping waveforms (e.g. SATURN).

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RF cosite interference phenomena include the following transmitter and receiver effects:

  • Broadband noise
  • Reverse intermodulation products
  • Spurious and harmonics
  • Gain compression and AM cross-modulation
  • Intermodulation
  • Reciprocal mixing

In typical cosite interference environments, communication links are degraded by tens of decibels. Since every 6 dB of loss halves the radio’s operating range, cosite interference severely degrades communications and, therefore, mission effectiveness. ICE restores the communication link margin, allowing radios to operate at range without compromise to the mission.

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For decades, MPG has offered specialized Integrated Cosite Equipment (ICE) Filter/Amplifier Solutions to enable the concurrent use of Legacy UHF satellite communications (SATCOM) and Line of Sight (LOS) radios on air-, sea-, and ground-based Command and Control (C2) platforms. Contact MPG today to discuss the right ICE model for your application.

Interference Mitigation (Cosite) Equipment

filter amplifier cascade

Filter / Amplifier Cascades

Receiver desentization greatly diminishes communications range. MPG Solutions offers a full catalog that incorporates tunable filters and low noise amplifiers (LNAs) in an RF cascade to significantly enhance receiver dynamic range, improve noise figure, improve strong signal handling and intermodulation, and reduce reciprocal mixing and cross-modulation.


RF Interference mitigation solutions from MPG include cancellation via the classic referenced approach, as well as via a referenceless design. VHF/UHF referenced canceler designs significanly reduce strong interfering RF signals from co-located emitters to enable proper receiver operation. Referenceless designs are able to auto-tune to on-board or off-board signals to enable the reception of low-level RF signals in your collection/surveillance system.

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