About BSC

World-Leaders in the design and manufacturing of RF & Microwave Filters & filter based active subsystems and modules for over 30 years.


BSC is based in York, UK, BSC offers its full range of non-ITAR products to the RF global marketplace, whether for small quick turn development runs or high volumes associated with series production of phased array RADAR and EW systems and commercial market place needs. A small selection of the active microwave assemblies and modules offered include front end preselectors, Switched Filters for Antenna front ends, IF assemblies, DRFM front ends, adaptive filtering including switched multiplexers, switched filter banks, and Software Defined Radio filter assemblies.

BSC’s innovative approach to design and modelling offers a low risk, high quality approach to solve your technical requirements. Whilst developing the active solutions portfolio, BSC remains dedicated to excellence in all aspeccts of filters and multiplexer technology, specializing in the design and manufacture of custom Waveguide, Interdigital, Combline, Cavity, Lumped Element, Thin Film, and Microstrip devices.

The quest for ever higher levels of performance and cost competitiveness drives filter design and development initiatives. BSC is a pioneer in the use of “Exact Filter” and our patented “Elliptic” technology. We are constantly expanding our suite of propriertary software to push forward to use of “right first time” prototyping. Our custom design experience and production facilities are used to produce devices ideally suited to the particular needs of any application.

Brand Profile

BSC specializes in the design and manufacture of custom Waveguide, Interdigital, Combline, Cavity, Lumped Element, Thin Film, and Microstrip devices.

Quick Facts

BSC specializes in the design and manufacture of custom Waveguide, Interdigital, Combline, Cavity, Lumped Element, Thin Film, and Microstrip devices. has provided Filters, Coaxial and Waveguide Switches, and also IMUX & Assemblies to the space market.

30 Years of Experience & Legacy

“Elliptic” Right the first time Prototyping

200 Product Designs

QuEST Filtering Solutions Tool Available!

JOSCAR Registered

Domestic & International Programs

Facility, Qualities, & Capabilities

BSC Filters’ innovative technical approach is matched by the highest standards of product manufacture and testing to ensure the reliability of the end product.

Facility & Test Equipment

• World Class humidity and temperature controlled environment
• Prohibited materials and screening
• In-house CNC machining center
• Thermal and Humidity Chambers
• Vibration table

Design Software

• AutoCAD
• SolidWorks
• “Exact Filter” with Elliptic technologies
• Cosmos FEA (validation and failure mode simulation)

Quality Certifications

• AS9100 and ISO-9001 Certified through BSI Management Systems
• JOSCAR Registered
• ISO4001:2004




Band Pass

Band Pass Filters pass frequencies within a certain range and reject (attenuate) frequencies outside that range.  They offer excellent functionality in applications where low insertion loss and high performance are required.

Offered in Combline or Cavity topologies, BSC Band Pass Filters cover a frequency range of 500 MHz to 15 GHz with a bandwidth of 1% to 10%, and are suitable for multiple applications, including WiMax, base station and test equipment.


Band Reject

A Band Reject Filter passes most frequencies unaltered but attenuates those in a specific range to very low levels. Typically, the width of the band reject is 1 to 2 decades. However, in the audio band, a notch filter has high and low frequencies that may be only semitones apart.

BSC Band Reject Filters utilize a variety of wavelength capacitively loaded rods as resonators to deliver low loss in a rugged compact design. Our filters cover the 150 MHz to 16 GHz frequency range with a bandwidth from 1% to 35% and stopbands up to 9 times fc.


Low Pass

Also known as a high-cut filter or treble-cut filter in audio applications, Low Pass Filters allow signals with a frequency lower than a selected cutoff point to pass. Signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff point are attenuated.

BSC Low Pass Filters are widely recognized for excellent low insertion loss, VSWR and steep-skirt selectivity. The versatile device covers the 300 KHz to 3 GHz frequency range, with bandwidths ranging from 1% to multi-octave and a stopband up to 10 times fc. Available in a variety of configurations, BSC Low Pass Filters are applicable for multiple markets, including broadcast, telecommunications, satcomm and defense.


High Pass

BSC High Pass Filters are electronic devices that pass signals above a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies below the cutoff. A high-pass filter is usually modeled as a linear time-invariant system, and depending on design, may offer exceptional high Q performance, low insertion loss and good VSWR. 

Our rugged filters cover the 300 KHz to 40 GHz frequency range with a bandwidth from 1% to multioctave, and provide consistent performance across a variety of market applications, including broadcast, telecommunications, satcomm and defense.
